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Your Survival Guide to Moving During the Holidays

Moving companies are busiest during the warmer, sunnier spring and summer months. This can make securing movers on your desired moving date difficult, not to mention some movers charge a premium during peak moving months. But people often try to schedule their move during these busy months nonetheless, in an effort to take advantage of good weather, downtime at work, and kids being off school.

Unfortunately, life doesn’t always offer a choice when it comes to moving. Many people have to execute moves at inopportune times, like smack in the middle of the cold winter months and even during the holidays. This can complicate an already stressful moving process and put a damper on the holiday season.

There’s no hiding the fact that moving is quite the undertaking, whether it’s your first time moving or you’re a seasoned mover. But if you have to move during the holiday season this year, there are steps you can take to minimize moving stress so you can enjoy some quality time with friends and family.

As one of New Jersey’s most trusted and experienced movers, All Jersey Moving & Storage we have helped countless individuals, couples and families move over the holidays. Here are some insider mover’s tips to help set your move up for success so you can truly enjoy the holiday season:

Avoid a DIY Move.

One of the main reasons people shy away from winter moves is the potential for bad weather. Below-zero temperatures, snow storms and icy conditions make moving mid-winter not only uncomfortable, but potentially dangerous as well. If you’re moving this winter and contemplating a DIY move, you may want to reconsider. Ice and snow make slips and falls much more likely, and no one wants to sustain a moving injury to their neck, back or knees, especially around the holidays! DIY winter moves also increase the risk of unintentionally causing costly damage to your furniture and other belongings. Plus, slush tracked in by wet boots leaves a mess you won’t want to deal with after a long, hard move (especially if you have carpeting in your home!).

Our team of professional movers at All Jersey Moving & Storage have the expertise and equipment needed to take added precautions to protect your home, furniture and belongings throughout your winter move, especially if bad weather strikes.

Anticipate Weather Delays.

If you’re going to move around the holidays during the winter months, you have to be realistic about the possibility of weather-caused moving delays. Snow and ice storms often cause poor, dangerous driving conditions and heavy traffic that can delay your moving schedule. If you’re a parent, bad weather can further complicate your move if you receive notice that child has a snow day!

It’s important to ensure you are working with a professional moving company like All Jersey Moving & Storage that factors in potential weather-related issues when developing its moving schedule. Unlike responsible moving companies, unlicensed and rogue movers often take on too many moves, which – with weather delays – can lead to no-shows and other moving day disasters. In addition to not taking on too many moves, All Jersey Moving & Storage draws on our experience and intimate knowledge of the roads, buildings and areas we service, which gives us an edge when it comes to navigating road closures and congestion. Still, because winter weather and driving conditions, it’s always wise to have a backup plan in the event your move is delayed or pushed off.

Secure Your Moving Dates.

On a positive note, moving during the winter rather than in peak season means you will likely have an easier time securing your moving date. Despite moving companies having greater availability, it is still important to schedule your move as soon as possible. Especially when you are moving around the holidays, you don’t want to end up in a scenario where you have to move on an undesirable moving date or – even worse – with an undesirable moving company! Avoid having to move immediately before or after the holidays, and skip the hassle of having to juggle holiday parties and get togethers, by calling your preferred moving company in advance.

At All Jersey Moving & Storage we always recommend schedule your preferred moving dates as early as you can, but we also do our very best to accommodate last minute and weekend moving requests.

Consider Treating Yourself to Professional Packing Services.

Sometimes the greatest gift you can give yourself is time. Investing in packing and unpacking services may seem like an indulgence. But the truth is, for many – including seniors as well as busy professionals and families – professional packing services are a necessity that make moving feasible. This is especially true during the busy holiday season, where professionals race to meet end of year goals and families juggle holiday responsibilities and have children off school.

All Jersey Moving & Storage offers partial or complete packing and unpacking services, ensuring that our clients’ belongings arrive clean, dry and intact. This service can benefit everyone including busy professionals, families with young children, seniors and anyone who wants to reduce the time investment and physical effort necessary to make moving successful. If budget permits, consider treating yourself to the gift of professional packing/unpacking services, especially if you’re moving during the holiday season.

Make it Easier for Your Movers to Do Their Job.

With the possibility of bad winter weather and the potential delays it can cause, it’s understandable if you’re feeling a lack of control over the success of your mid-winter move. Fortunately, there are some things you can do to improve the likelihood of a safer, more successful move even if the weather doesn’t cooperate. Here are just a few:

  • Clear your driveway as well as any sidewalks and the street in front of your home prior to and on moving day, to enable your moving company easier access.
  • Salt, shovel or snow blow major walkways that your movers will be using so they can navigate them safely and keep your furniture and belongings safe from damage.
  • If it has snowed, do your utmost to ensure parking is available for your movers that isn’t on a snow plow route. 

Consider Donating Items You No Longer Need.

Sorting through the entirety of your belongings can be incredibly time consuming. If you’re moving, you will have to figure out which of your belongings you want to keep and what you no longer need or have use (or space!) for in your new home. Once you’ve determined what you don’t plan to keep, you will have to determine what to do with those items. Many people try to sell items, such as furniture, artwork, décor, clothing and equipment which may be of value.

While it may make sense to sell certain items of great value, if you’re moving during the holiday season you should consider if the money you’ll make is worth the effort required to facilitate the sales. Posting items on various online marketplaces or selling them at auction houses takes time and energy, especially if you want to hold out for a decent asking price. Keep in mind, you will have to respond to inquiries (if there’s even an interest in the items) and possibly schedule visits from perspective buyers to inspect the items in person, which may or may not pan out.

If you’re short on time as a result of other moving tasks and holiday responsibilities, you may want to consider giving away unwanted items to friends or family or donating them to a charity in your community that benefits the underprivileged. Giving things away can often be done quickly. Some organizations will even arrange a curbside pickup – one less thing you have to do!

Think About Utilizing Storage.

Have you decided you don’t have time before your mid-winter move to sell the furniture and belongings you no longer need or have space for in your new home? There may be items of monetary value that you would like to try to sell at a reasonable price after your move – and the holidays – are behind you. You may also have certain items, such as antiques, artwork or travel mementos, which hold sentimental value that you don’t wish to simply give away. You might want to consider placing such items in a clean, reliable and safe storage facility.

All Jersey Moving & Storage has a short-term and long-term containerized storage facility in which items are blanket-wrapped and stored securely in wooden containers. If you don’t have time to sort through belongings in your attic or spare room, alleviate stress by putting them in a secure storage facility until after the holidays!

Simplify Your Holiday Plans This Year.

You deserve to enjoy the holidays with your loved ones even if your move is scheduled during the holiday season. In order to ensure your holidays are still joyful despite the pressure of your upcoming move, make a conscious effort to keep things simple in the holiday planning department. Take shortcuts wherever you can, be it shopping online for your holiday gifts rather than facing the crowds or buying baked goods and holiday favorites rather than slaving away in the kitchen to make your own. These shortcuts may feel strange or like you’re breaking tradition, but taking advantage of them will allow you to be present – in body and spirit – for your holiday festivities in spite of your mid-holiday move.

Remember These Tips for Your Mid-Winter Move.

*Board your pets on moving day. If you’re moving in sub-zero temperatures, remember how uncomfortable movers repeatedly entering and exiting your home might be for your pets. The hectic bustle of moving day, coupled with having unfamiliar faces in the house, can also be overwhelming for pets. Consider boarding your pets on moving day too alleviate their stress – and yours too!

*Arrange appropriate childcare. Moving day is much more challenging when you have children at home whose needs you need to attend to. If at all possible, try to arrange for your kids to spend the day at friends’ houses so you can focus on the move without worrying about their comfort, boredom or safety! Alternatively, see if you can find a babysitter to come to your home to assist you with the children while you’re busy directing your moving team. Be sure to leave a “moving day survival kit” at hand, filled with their favorite snacks and toys, a second change of clothing, etc.

*Have sheets, towels and blankets available.  These items will provide protective coverage of your furniture, artwork, electronics and other belongings if it begins to snow or rain prior to or during your move. Towels will also decrease the slush being tracked through your home. 

*Dress Warmly! Because the door will be open during your mid-winter home, be sure not to pack your winter coat, a warm winter outfit, a hat, boots and waterproof gloves. This will help you stay warm throughout the move. It’s also a good idea to keep your kettle, disposable hot cups, and coffee or hot cocoa in the kitchen to warm you – and your movers – up.

Moving During the Holiday Season? Find a Professional Moving Company You Can Trust!

Without question, the most important step you can take to ensure a low stress move during the holiday season is to hire a reputable moving company. Since 1992, All Jersey Moving & Storage has been serving the New Jersey community. We have decades of experience navigating moves in all types of weather, including the winter season. Based in New Jersey, we specialize in regular local moves and offer expedited service on long distance moves within a 500-mile radius, up and down the East Coast, including all points between Maine and the Carolinas.

The holidays are a precious time for you and your family. Don’t let a winter move take away from a joyful holiday season. All Jersey Moving & Storage is dedicated to helping families execute seamless winter moves so they can enjoy the holidays with their loved ones – hopefully in their new home!

Contact All Jersey Moving & Storage today for a complimentary moving quote.