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Expert Tips and Advice for a Smooth Move | All Jersey Movers Blog

February 09, 2017 - 03:35 pm
We’ve all heard or experienced ourselves that moving can be a very anxious time. You’re uprooting yourself and possibly your family and have a lot of organizing and physical work to undertake. Precious possessions being broken, stolen or lost can add more stress and even regret to a move. The best...
January 26, 2017 - 05:46 pm
USING A PROFESSIONAL ORGANIZER TO HELP YOU MOVE Often people think that using a professional organizer or mover is an extravagance only the wealthy can afford. However, as they start the sometimes huge and daunting task of preparing for a move, they may realize that specialized help can end up...
January 06, 2017 - 01:37 pm
Whether your business has five or 500 employees, your goals when moving are the same: To get up and running so you continue to bring in revenue and keep your customers happy; find your equipment, documents and supplies as quickly as possible; and minimize stress on yourself and your employees....
December 14, 2016 - 02:51 pm
For many lucky people, the busy part of December and January involves trawling the malls to find that perfect gift, baking batches of cookies and preparing large meals, followed by several blissful days of sleeping late. Others have a much longer to do list if they plan to buy or sell a home before...
December 07, 2016 - 10:02 pm
The slew of lockdowns and the rise in remote-office culture has prompted many to move back to the home state or retreat to warm beaches and quiet mountains. Add to that, relocation in the new normal now comes with its fair share of novelty and excitement. Congratulations, on deciding to move to a...
November 16, 2016 - 09:51 pm
Packing up a home is such a huge task that we tend to think focus on the big picture and the large items – how many boxes we will need for our clothes, how we’re going to move that piano, what’s the best way to wrap our artwork to protect it… But sometimes as moving day arrives, we realize that we...
October 31, 2016 - 06:19 pm
One of the reasons people dislike moving is that it inevitably involves spending money. Added to the chore of packing up your belongings, change – which can be stressful even if it involves something positive like a bigger house, and the huge amount of planning involved, a move can seem...
October 02, 2016 - 12:56 pm
When it comes to packing, people seem to fall into two groups – those who take pleasure in fitting as much as possible into a small space and those who hate packing and avoid it until the last minute. There are also rival groups of packers, with one insisting that folding and stacking items in a...
September 15, 2016 - 03:00 pm
When you’re buying moving supplies for a move, it can be tempting to purchase the largest boxes available so you can fit more in them and have fewer containers to track. While they’re fine for lighter items like comforters or toys, it’s preferable to pack heavy items like books in smaller boxes for...
September 11, 2016 - 08:41 pm
Moving can be an expensive experience. If you’re selling your home, you have realtor’s and lawyer’s fees; if you’re swapping apartments there are deposits or first and last months’ rent. Both moves often require buying new window treatments or suitable furniture. Some of our clients also take the...
August 21, 2016 - 01:00 pm
In an ideal world, you’d only travel with a baby when s/he was old enough not to require constant feeding but still too young to crawl or walk. But sometimes moving with an infant is inevitable – if you or your partner is changing jobs, you want to be closer to relatives now you have a child or you...
August 08, 2016 - 04:50 pm
Most of us plan to use up whatever’s in our fridge and freezer before we move. It’s a chance to get rid of food that’s been lurking there for too long and to have meals on hand without having to cook during those hectic last days. It can also be tempting to do laundry right until moving day so you...
July 29, 2016 - 04:14 pm
Choosing a good mover is a critical factor in ensuring that your move goes smoothly. A professional company will obtain as much information possible from you to compile an accurate quote. They will also provide you with guidance and answer any questions you may have. Once you choose your preferred...
June 15, 2016 - 09:54 am
So you’ve finally realized your dream and bought that beautiful house in the neighborhood where you’ve always aspired to live. Or you got a great promotion that entailed relocating. Sometimes moving is more of a necessity than a choice. In any scenario, good or bad, it takes time to adjust to your...
June 08, 2016 - 12:07 pm
Part of the reason people become stressed about moving is because there are so many things to track, organize and remember. If you’re relocating out of state, with children or pets or on short notice, there’s even more pressure to have the move go as smoothly as possible.  A detailed checklist for...
May 24, 2016 - 11:33 am
You’ve grown tired of the long, cold winters and icy sidewalks in the northern United States. Or maybe you’ve been offered the opportunity to open a branch of your company down south. Moving to a faraway location and changing your lifestyle can be exciting, but with a long trek there’s the risk of...
April 23, 2016 - 12:29 pm
If you need to move in a hurry or can’t decide what to take and what to discard, placing possessions in long-term storage can buy you time and eliminate anxiety. Don’t be too hasty about selecting a facility, however.  As with choosing a professional mover, getting several quotes and doing your...
March 29, 2016 - 02:55 pm
You’ve made the momentous decision to downsize your home or move to something more spacious, or even to another part of the country! Naturally, you want multiple offers and the best price. You’ve heard that the best time to sell a house is in spring, when people in colder climates come out of...
March 16, 2016 - 09:01 pm
Packing is one of the aspects of moving that contributes to the stress you feel when you're planning a move, or even just contemplating one. This is due to three factors: Undertaking a huge job you don't do very often is stressful, especially because you aren't knowledgeable about effective...
March 06, 2016 - 01:09 pm
A move to a new home can be thrilling if you’ve found the house or condo of your dreams. You’ve had a vision in your mind for years of how the interior will look, or have been “pinning” images on Pinterest. You can now show off your late mother’s solid oak dining room table that’s been stowed in a...
February 23, 2016 - 06:53 pm
Moving doesn’t just involve packing and wrapping furniture and valuables. It also requires tying up loose ends like change of address notifications, not to mention psychologically preparing to leave. Keeping a pen and brightly colored pad or sticky notes next to your bed and in every room allows...
